Online Backgammon Tips

When you are ahead in the backgammon race, Break contact and bank on your racing advantage. When trailing in a race it's a mistake to give up an anchor or a holding point. It may be your only lifeline. When trailing in a race and you are waiting for a shot, slot and build the checkers in your home board in order. If you estimate you have a 25% chance of winning - accept a double. Fight for equality early in the game. Fight for the 5pt and 4pts on both sides of the game board. If your opponent makes a bold anchor you should counter attack with one, because the other player will be able to put you on the spot when playing more aggressively. When you are 2 points away, avoid turning the doubling cube early. Try to go for the un-doubled gammon. Hitting your opponent is usually the best way to play. Especially if it is in his side of the board, it is even more valuable than making an anchor. So when you have any doubt - just hit.. When you start bearing off, use all the numbers to take the checkers off instead of trying to fill the gaps. Loose 6's are better played on your opponent's side of the board. Better to try and escape or go for an anchor than to risk getting hit on your own side of the backgammon board. When you already have several of your opponent's checkers back, it is better to strengthen a prime than to send more back which may give them a better back-game or improve their timing. In a back-game situation, in order to improve your timing and help you to avoid crunching your board, you can allow your checkers to be hit by your opponent. Try to keep an even number of checkers on your highest points when bearing off against an anchor, in order to avoid leaving shots if you roll high doubles. Your BarPoint (7pt.) is valuable, but if you have a choice, it is better to make your 5pt. or 4pt. Sometimes it is good to redouble, if the opponent doubles, and you are back in the game 5/3. You have nothing to lose by redoubling to 4. Now the mach can give you the game if you win. Don't play safe all the time. Taking risks is a part of the game. Sites about backgammon How To Play Backgammon Party Gammon   Gammon Empire   Play65