Online Slot Tips And Slot Tips Strategies

Slot games are games of pure chance and, although there is absolutely no way of influencing the outcome of any spin, there are ways to improve your overall performance. First and foremost, check the odds of the slot game. One slots game can be completely different from the other, but a good rule .... is that the higher the value of coins it requires, the higher the odds. Also, be sure to pay attention to whether or not the game is a three-reel machine, or a four-reeler. Four-reel games will generally have higher payouts, but three-reels produce substantially better odds for the player. Online Slot Tips And Slot Tips Strategies Managing your money - Bankroll management is as important as any other strategy, maybe even the most important strategy when playing slots. Based on a 10 spins per minute model at a 90 % payout rate with a maximum three coin bet, you should expect to wager the following amounts:
  1. Nickel Machine - $9 per hour
  2. Quarter Machine - $45 per hour
  3. One Dollar Machine - $180 per hour
  4. Five Dollar Machine - $900 per hour
Start with the lowest coin size, switch to a higher denomination only if you're winning. The longer you can play without risking any additional money of your own, the better your chance that you will line up that winning combination for a big payout. When trying to decide which online slot machine to play, consider the size of your bankroll and your priorities. If you are hoping for a very sizeable jackpot, make it a progressive machine. If you'd rather play for a longer period of time and would be happy with a modest win, then find an online slot machine with a relatively small jackpot. Select an online slot machine where you can change the coin size with a click of your mouse. If things don't go right, switch to a lower coin size. Make your money last and sooner or later a win will come. How to win slot games online If you do not want to play maximum coins, I recommend that you, either look for a slot machine that does not pay a bonus for maximum coins, or reduce the coin denomination so that playing maximum coins is not that expensive. With a bit of luck you will soon experience the thrill of collecting your first online slot machine jackpot! The last advice from ixgames is: Play the right machine :) Helpful info: Casino Guide