Sydney man suing province for gambling losses

Paul Burrell is suing the province of Nova Scotia for negligence, claiming it is responsible for his gambling losses of $500,000 over a three-year period at the Nova Scotia Casino. The Sydney man names eight parties, including the Nova Scotia Gaming Corp., in his notice of intent filed with the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, Thursday afternoon in Halifax. Sydney man suing province for gambling losses It is an intent. It gives them 60 days to respond to me. What is going to take place, I dont know. Burrell says he gambled daily between January 2000 and February 2003 at the Sydney casino and claims to have lost a $200,000 workers compensation settlement, family savings of $80,000 and about $200,000 from his remortgaged house and personal loans. The intent to sue makes particular mention of a section of the Gaming Control Act which he alleges was violated because the casino operator didnt recognize his addiction and stop him from gambling. They must have in place applications and procedures to identify and remove problem gamblers. They must, that is the law. They will not do that. That is basically where my hat gets placed. An apology and reimbursement are his goals. First and foremost, the apology would be more than welcomed. That is the first, for sure. That is the set of standards I have. That is what has driven me. It is not so much about money all the time. It is about the inappropriate way someone is treated. When the Cape Breton Post reached gaming corporation officials they had yet to receive any official notice of the suit. Therefore, no comment could be made.