Poker Player Bets His Wife - Loses Her

Andrei Karpov from Murmansk, Russia has lost his wife Tatiana after he bet her on a game of poker. The bet was placed after he ran out of money while playing against Sergey Brodov. Karpov lost and Brodov turned up later to claim his winnings. When Tatiana learned that her husband had bet her on a poker game she divorced him and started a relationship with the man who 'won' her. The two have since married and have no regrets. Poker Player Bets His Wife - Loses Her "It was humiliating and I was utterly ashamed. But as soon as my ex-husband did that I knew I had to leave him. Sergey was a very handsome, charming man and I am very happy with him, even if he did 'win' me in a poker game," Tatiana said.