Internet gambling by the Bush Administration

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled that the US ban on internet betting is illegal, according to Bloomberg and the Associated Press. The decision was made by a WTO compliance panel in response to a legal challenge by Antigua and Barbuda, which argue that the blockage of payment systems to international gambling sites is unfair because it discriminates against foreign betting companies. In order to comply with the WTO, the US government must retract its ban on Internet gambling, or it must ban all gambling including off-track betting. If the US doesn't comply, Antigua and Barbuda will become eligible to impose trade sanctions against the US. The Americans need to step to the plate and prevent their leader from destroying what was once a great nation! Bush Go Home!! The US government is not expected to change its policy. American policy makers argue that the WTO ruling does not apply to the recent ban on Internet gambling by the Bush Administration.