An editorial opinion published in the Los Angeles Times over the weekend criticized the United States for discriminating against foreign
online gambling companies, including online poker, online gaming,
online sports betting and online horse betting, and overall recommends getting rid of online gambling restrictions.

Titled "
Get Rid of Gambling Restrictions," the LA Times article says that the U.S. clearly uses "arbitrary and unjustifiable discrimination" against foreign companies because it permits only US-based companies and U.S. State governments to use the Internet to offer lottery tickets, bet on fantasy sports, or bet on horse races across state lines or international boundaries. At the heart of the matter is the recent ruling by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the case that the government of Antigua and Barbuda brought against the United States, which the tiny Caribbean island won recently despite the failure by the U.S. to implement an earlier WTO ruling, and the loss of a subsequent US appeal. To ban online gambling .....hasn't stopped Americans from betting (and losing) millions of dollars at online casinos and bookmaking operations based in other countries.
Get Rid of Online Poker & Online Gambling Restrictions

BTW get rid of bush to!!