In the first 48 hours of it being live the Internet gambling petition to repeal the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act has reached the 1,000 signature bench mark. The ultimate goal of the petition is to garner
400,000 signatures, however it will be hand delivered to Congressman Barney Frank if it gets to the
10,000 signature level. TheÂ
Internet gambling petition has been promoted by several websites!! (The petition is sponsored by Casino Gambling Web).

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (aka UIGEA), was passed last year in the closing moments of congressional sessions. The bill was attached to an unrelated Port Security Bill 15 minutes before the bill was presented on the Congress floor. Senators had no time to read fully through the entire bill before they were to vote on it. The bill was about Port Security and it was important that it passed before Senate sessions closed, so all the attachments, which had no opportunity to be debated or amended, also went through. As a result of the bill passing many large publicly owned UK companies went bankrupt as they had come to depend on US revenue. The head of the Financial Service Committee in the United States House of Representatives, Barney Frank, said about the bill, "One argument for (the passing of the UIGEA) was this activity adds nothing to the GDP (gross domestic product). That's a chilling principle; that if something doesn't add to the gross domestic product we can ban it. That's a kind of ... corporatism that is very troubling to me." The WTO also has ruled against the US in their passing of the UIGEA. The US claims they passed the bill for moral reasons, which is okay to the WTO, however, the WTO ruled that if it was for moral reasons than there should not have been exceptions in the bill allowing horse racing betting and state run lotteries to remain legal. "It is estimated that millions of Americans sign on every year to play poker and other casino games, yet the US government, who represent their people, passed a bill that stops them from being able to play," says Mr. Price.
"We will do everything in our power to repeal this law that Mr. Frank called the stupidest in American history." Sign This Petition At:Â
Internet gambling petition