US Internet gambling ban attacked

A Florida congressman is introducing legislation today exempting poker and some other games from the Internet gambling ban passed by Congress last year. The bill planned by Democratic Rep. Robert Wexler would carve out "skill games" such as online poker, bridge, chess and mahjong from the online gambling prohibition that congress passed into law last September. Wexler used to support banning Internet gaming.  He even spoke on the floor in favor of an early ban. But, he came around and voted against HR 4411 (the bill that became UIGEA), and now he's leading the charge for reform. While introducing new legislation exempting some games of skill is a good thing overall for those who enjoy online gambling, it becomes quite dangerous as to where to draw the line when deciding how much skill is required for an exemption.  Apparently, sports betting didn't make the cut and many gamblers I speak with believe betting on sports requires more skill than betting on Poker. Regardless, for change to occur, the online gambling community needs what Senator First had going for him;  a must pass bill and a powerful leader in the conference committee or majority leadership to tack it on. Anyone can introduce these bills and online gambling could even be passed in the house.  But Senator Kyl has votes and like- minded conservatives in the Senate with procedural stall moves will in all likelihood kill this. If passed alone, it could and would be vetoed. If it happens, it will happen like lightning. US Internet gambling ban attacked What the online gaming industry has now is simply good momentum, good but still only momentum. There are indeed a lot of things going on to provide some positive momentum.  This is because of the vocal efforts of poker players, as well as external issues like the WTO issue and the distaste of many in Europe for prosecutions of Euro companies in the gaming industry. However it should noted that as far as domestic legislation goes, all these efforts so far have been in the House of Representatives. And even were something positive to happen like Rep. Frank's or Rep. Wexler's bills to pass in a stand alone fashion there, they would face the inevitable hold in the Senate from Kyl and others and therefore be blocked. Thus, what is needed is not only the language of some bill or other favorable to Internet gambling to be fashioned, but then for that to be passed in the very same manner as the UIGEA passed, i.e. by being attached in conference committee to must pass legislation. Long shot as that is, it is the only shot for online gambling this year. So right now, the offshore gambling industry needs to cultivate one or two key people to be willing to pass this in that manner. And naturally that means that in addition to Speaker Pelosi, Sen. Reid also has to be so willing to go along, especially Reid. And for that to happen, he will definitely have to be able to see that domestic gaming companies are given a piece of the pie. There are a lot of hurdles on the track, and although we're barely out of the starting gate, we have finally gained momentum back on our side..