Horse Track Betting Online

Horse track betting is a game of chance, but it is also game of skill and expertise. The more you know, the more likely you are to win. That's why horse wagering is often referred to as the *Smart Man's Bet.* However, developing your own system is the key. There is no one single successful horse racing wagering strategy, and that's a good thing! This means that even for beginning and novice bettors, you can still fair well with your selections as long as you find a strategy that works for you. For many people, the process is very personal. It becomes a combination of informational knowledge, smart betting, and luck. Over time, though, luck becomes less of a factor for the educated gambler, and information and smart betting techniques really take over. Horse Track Betting Online. Remember - you have to stay disciplined when considering a horse racing tip. For example, if you are having a tough day in your horse racing handicapping, dont overreact and bet things you wouldnt normally bet, just because it is easy to log on and place your horse race wagers.  You still want to remain focused in horse racing handicapping and stick to your plan. GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS:
  • Trainer: - The person responsible for keeping a horse in top racing condition. In harness racing the trainer is often the driver.
  • Sire: - The male parent of a horse.
  • Scratch: - A horse who is withdrawn before the race starts.
  • Purse: - Prize money earned for winning a race. Qualifying Race - A race without a purse or betting used to determine a horse's ability and manners. Horses who have made repeated breaks in stride or have been away from the races for a long period of time must race in a qualifying race before being allowed to race in a betting race.
  • Purse: - The cash prize won by the owner. The purse is usually paid to the first five finishers: 50% is paid to the winner - 25% for place - 12% for third - 8% for fourth - and 5% for fifth.
  • Parked-out: - A horse racing on the outside with at least one horse between him and the inside rail or barrier.
  • Mare: - A female horse - age four and up.
  • Maiden: - A horse *male or female* who has never won a racing purse.
  • Horse: - A male horse - age four and up.
  • Green Horse: - A horse that has not raced - or has raced only a few times.
  • Gelding: - A de-sexed horse of any age.
  • Foal: - A newly-born horse.
  • First-Over: - A horse racing on the outside without another horse directly in front of him or her. A foreshortening of of the phrase *first overland.*
  • Filly: - A female horse - age three or under.
  • Colt: - A male horse - age three or under.
  • Break: - When a horse gallops - instead of trotting or pacing - it's on a break. The driver must get the horse out of the way of the others, must not improve their position, and must attempt to get the horse back on its proper gait. A horse is not automatically disqualified by making a break.
  • Age: - Every horse shares a "birthday" of January first. A horse becomes one year old on the first of January after he or she is born, and turns two one year later - regardless the actual date of his or her birth.
Avoid horses that have not raced in the past four weeks. They may be recuperating from illness and the owners are using the race as a tune-up. The winning percentages of long-idled horses are way below average. GREAT HORSE BETTING SPORTSBOOK's: