The Poker Players Alliance - a nonprofit organization acting as an advocacy group in Washington for the rights and protection of
US poker players, is making its voice heard in Massachusetts and Kentucky. Kentucky's Governor Ernie Fletcher recently vetoed proposed legislation on casino and poker gaming, causing the PPA to set its sights on the state. At present -Â gaming in Kentucky is illegal, with Indiana being just one adjacent state to build casinos on the Kentucky border, aimed at drawing eager gamers and poker players. Our citizens deserve the freedom to choose to play a hand of poker.....said Rich Muny, the State Director for the Poker Players Alliance in Kentucky! Kentucky shares its plight with Texas, where gambling is also illegal but neighboring states such as Oklahoma and Louisiana earn millions in revenue from Texas citizens crossing state lines just to play a legal hand of cards. Massachusetts is another targeted state for the Poker Players Alliance, this time with the aim being at giving the state's citizens the right to play poker online. Or,,,,,, rather,,,,,, not taking it away.

The Poker Players Alliance is encouraging residents of Kentucky and Massachusetts that wish to keep their right to
play poker to contact their
State Representatives, and
State Senators. (The Poker Players Alliance is committed to assisting Massachusetts poker players by bringing attention to this attack on our rights  ........However- we cannot do this alone.!!)