Gambling is good -Â the Clinton campaign argued Friday in a conference call meant to draw attention to Barack Obama's past concerns about using gambling as an economic development tool in poor communities. The call came as Obama touched down in the nation's gambling Mecca, the latest front in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination. Obama's hopes for winning Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus were boosted this week by an endorsement from the 60,000-member Culinary Worker Union, Local 226. The powerful union represents hotel, restaurant and laundry workers employed by the state's booming
casino industry. Jones and Clinton's Nevada Chairman Rory Reid suggested the Illinois senator was a gambling industry opponent and a threat to union member's jobs. They pointed to remarks Obama made in May 2003 when then Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich said he would reject calls to expand gambling as a way to make up for a budget deficit.

Obama also was a critic of lawmakers accepting political contributions from gambling interests that were seeking permits from the Illinois Legislature. The senator said he continued to believe there is *certainly a potential moral and social cost to gambling, if it's not properly regulated, if children have access to it. It's something I continue to be concerned about.* Nevada casinos won $981.1 million in November, the last month reported. The state collected $390 million in casino taxes since the fiscal year began July 1.
-My vote goes to the clinton-
-2008 will be a great year-