Colorado's mountain casinos posted a 3.6 percent drop in revenue in January, the first month of the casino smoking ban. The drop isn't nearly as drastic as some operators had expected. The industry estimated before the ban took effect that 30 to 50 percent of casino patrons smoke. Several casinos have poured millions of dollars into renovations in an effort to continue to attract smokers. Ameristar Casino Black Hawk installed heaters and windbreaks on existing patios and balconies to accommodate smokers. The Riviera Black Hawk Casino built a new balcony for smokers. The industry recorded nearly $56.7 million in adjusted gross proceeds — total bets minus payouts — in January, down down 3.6 percent from $58.8 million in January 2007, the Gaming Division said today. Black Hawk's 20 casinos totaled $40.9 million in AGP, down 3.4 percent from $42.3 million in January 2007. Cripple Creek's 15 casinos had $9.9 million, down 7.8 percent from the previous January. Central City's six casinos generated $5.9 million in AGP, up 2.8 percent from $5.7 million in January 2007.

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