It is nice to know that no one has forgotten about the online gamblers of America. The House Financial Service Committee's (HFSC) Bill currently has
48 co-sponsors fighting against the online gambling ban. Frank also announced that -
The ban is -Â one of the stupidest things" he has ever seen. His battle seems to be gaining much attention within congress and is pulling many powerful aids in favor of his cause. Following Barney Frank's declaration on April 2, Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Ron Paul (R-TX), and Pete King (R-NY) sent a letter Tuesday reminding the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke of the ineffectiveness of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA).

(The letter -Â which was intended to stop all actions in favor of the ban, ends with a nice request of readers to become co-sponsors preventing UIGEA regulations of becoming the norm). Great news for all our
U.S. Players!
Frank says:Â I think there's a right to privacy. But the right to privacy should not be a right to hypocrisy. And people who want to demonize other people shouldn't then be able to go home and close the door and do it themselves!