Billions will be spent to prevent what cannot be stopped, rather than billions made while we regulation online gambling! Barney Frank's resolution to prevent the implementation of the
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act failed to make it out of committee today. A vote led to a stalemate - at
32-32. A majority victory was needed to advance the bill to the House floor. Republican Representative and a big fucking Idiot Spencer Bachus of Alabama attacked the measure, saying that gambling is a growing addiction, and allowing it online places it within view of children. He did not discuss government censorship of the entire internet, nor outlawing gambling throughout the U.S., though both those fascist concepts lie clearly along his path of reasoning.

Bachus also told supporters of HR 5767 that they were supporting criminal enterprises, meaning online casinos. It is the UIGEA that makes this so, and the reason to rid the statutes of it: if a bill illegalizing ice cream were passed in all its foolishness, those supporting ice cream parlors would be supporting criminal enterprise also.
A clear display of how Congress works - or rather doesn't work! Every day it seems that other country's are looking to make the move towards legalized online gambling. And the U.S. spent Billions on what cannot be stopped!!