$2,500 weekly prize for the contestant that picked the most winners. If there is only one winner, that winner will receive the full $2,500 in their account. If there are multiple winners, the prize money will be split evenly.
CONTEST RULES: Must have active
Justbet Sportsbook Account + Minimum $200 Account Balance to enter. Pick all SUNDAY NFL games: NO POINTSPREADS- Just pick the team. Any entry with missing or incorrect information will be voided.
Only one entry per account. If multiple entries are received, all will be voided. Picks for Sunday must be in no later than 11:59PM Pacific the Saturday night prior. Picks MUST BE ENTERED ONLINE, FAXED or E-MAILED: You may not phone in your picks! *Absolutely no exceptions* Due to the high traffic on the fax machine, it is wise to get your selections in as early as possible. When entering the contest via fax, or email, your account number and name, or initials, must be on the entry. Picks must be in the official sports rotation, as well. It is recommended that you make a copy of the rotation schedule and circle the team you are choosing. Any entries that are not in correct order will be voided. Results of the contest will be available online. Results will be posted Monday after 12:00PM PST. Customer Service and Sportsbook clerks will not have the results. Please do not inquire with them. All cash prizes will be posted to winning accounts by 12:00pm PST the following Friday, in order to allow for any winning claims. There will be no exceptions to this rule. All winnings are subject to standard bonus stipulations. Winnings must be played through at least 5 times in order to be eligible for withdrawal. All decisions regarding the final outcome of the contest will be at the sole discretion of the management
Justbet Sportsbook is Founded in 1996. (JustBet sportsbook provides a complete menu of wagering entertainment that includes a full-service sportsbook, casino gaming, racebook and poker room).