Casino companies are largely backing Republican John McCain in the presidential election, though Democrat Barack Obama has some support within the gambling industry. Individuals with ties to casinos have donated more than
$260,000 to McCain's campaign through September, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks presidential fundraising. The group says Obama's campaign has received about
$133,000 from similar individuals. But top executives in the industry have each brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars for the campaign through fundraising, the group says. MGM Mirage Inc - chief executive Terry Lanni has collected at least $500,000 for McCain. Wynn Resorts Ltd. chief executive Steve Wynn has raised between $250,000 and $500,000 for the Arizona senator. Las Vegas Sands Corp. chief executive Sheldon Adelson and President Bill Weidner have each raised between $100,000 and 250,000 for McCain. *This shouldn't be too much of a surprise,* said Erik Herzik - a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Reno. *Individual
casino operators provide money based on their own ideological and political interest. Big business tends to lean Republican.* (Herzik said the contributions are not based on an industry decision, but are based on personal preference).

Political observers and casino industry analysts say gambling will likely remain untouched no matter who wins the presidential election Nov. 4. *Both of them, throughout the campaign, have been very articulate about state's rights on a number of issues, including gaming,* said Frank Fahrenkopf Jr., president of the
American Gaming Association and a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. *Obviously, as the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, I support John McCain. But I don't think Obama will be bad for the industry,* Fahrenkopf said. (Fahrenkopf donated the maximum individual contribution, $2,300, to the McCain campaign in July).