Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association

The challenge by the Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association (iMEGA), which is suing to declare the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) unconstitutional, will occur on July 6th. The Philadelphia-based Third Circuit Court of Appeals has announced its intent to hear the case, which could ultimately result in the UIGEA being overturned through the judicial system. The news today comes one week ahead of Congressman Barney Frank’s (D-MA) potential introduction of new internet gambling legislation. The Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association (iMEGA) has joined millions of people in the U.S. who feel their constitutional rights have been taken away by the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. Frank has said numerous times already this year that he is planning a new legislative proposal that would overturn the UIGEA and set the foundation for regulations of the online gambling  industry. The U.S. is considered to be the largest online gambling market in the world. While the UIGEA may have moved some companies out of the market - there are plenty of others who have stayed around and are receiving gambling revenue from US customers. The company's that remain in the market that are not licensed are the reason that Congressman Barney Frank believes that regulation is needed in the industry. He - like many lawmakers, feel that people in the U.S. should be able to gamble in the comfort of their own homes if they can do so in land based casinos. Rewgards