European Union requested changes by France

European Commission has asked for the clarification and modification of several points in France's draft law for opening up online gambling to competition, French Budget Minister Eric Woerth said Monday in a statement. The European Union is not completely satisfied with the new laws that France will be adopting in regards to open competition in the online gambling industry. The EU has requested that some changes be made to the current draft being offered by France. France has been working hard to come into compliance with EU trade agreements when dealing with the Internet gambling laws. The new laws will allow companies from outside of France to be licensed. One of the changes the EU wants made has to do with existing online gambling operators. The EU is suggesting that it be made more explicit that whatever current regulations the companies are under in their licensing countries be taken into account when applying for a license in France. France has agreed to clarify the criteria for which online gambling operators will be selected, and will make the necessary concessions with regard to operators that are regulated in EU member states. (The Commission has set a deadline of July 8 2009 for re-submission). The EU has been cracking down on many countries for violating trade agreements with their Internet gambling laws. The US is one of those countries, but up until now they have been reluctant to come into compliance. Regards