Vancouver 2010 Olympics

The Vancouver 2010 Olympics are only a few months away, but there are still lots of last-minute details to be taken care of. With today's revealing of the new 2010 Olympics medals, organizers can now cross that off their to-do list. Based on two large master artworks of an orca whale (Olympic) and raven (Paralympic) by Canadian designer Corrine Hunt, each medal is unique and displays a different hand-cropped section of the abstract. "An Olympic or Paralympic medal is a cherished possession for every athlete - it's what we all strive for when we train and compete," said Jill Bakken, an Olympic gold medallist for the United States in bobsleigh at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games. "To feel it being placed around your neck on the podium or seeing children’s eyes light up when you show it to them are experiences that defy words. Seeing these beautiful medals today makes me wish I was competing again in 2010." The new 2010 Olympic medals are heavy, too. Each medal weighs between 500-576 grams depending on the medal. Of course you can count on Bodog to have lots of fabulous 2010 Olympics betting opportunities available in the Bodog Sportsbook.

And to all of our Canadian visitors .....WELCOME