Betting on soccer isn’t that much different from betting on any other sport like football or baseball. While there are plenty of soccer betting tips to share, many of the tips are applicable to more than just the Beautiful Game. How do you bet on soccer? At the end of the day, you have to do your research, you have to take the odds into account and you have to throw away your emotions and bet with your head, not your heart. Sound familiar? You’ve probably heard it all before while researching ways to make money betting on other sports. That said, one soccer betting tip that’s particularly applicable to the World Cup is to leave your emotions at the door. There aren’t many sporting events that feature the passion that you’ll see in this tournament, and even if you aren’t passionate about any one team yourself, it’s easy to get caught up in the fervour. That’s not to say emotions should be ignored completely. In fact, it’s a good idea to try and understand them as they could easily impact the results of the matches. For example, one of the key emotions that could play a role in South Africa is the pride that the various African nations, including the host side, will feel playing on their home continent. The home side often plays well in big soccer tournaments. In 1998, France won the World Cup at home. In 2002, co-host South Korea shocked everyone when it went all the way to the semi finals. In 2006, Germany finished a respectable third at home. The 2010 World Cup is the perfect time to start betting on soccer if you’ve never done so before. With all the hype surrounding the tournament that kicks off June 11 in South Africa, you’ll be presented with copious amounts of information on the players and the teams that are participating. Information is the key to making all decisions and the more you’ve got the better your chances are to make money betting. Before you start throwing down your hard-earned money, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the World Cup format, particularly in the group stages of the tournament when there are draws. Soccer is one of the few sports around where teams will actually play for a tie, and you don’t want to be betting on a team to win or score a bunch of goals when all they’re doing is defending with all their men back. In soccer, you can bet on anything from the winner of the match, to the team that scores first, to the player that scores first, to the number of goals that are scored, to the exact final score, to the score at halftime. When it comes to something as big as the World Cup, the soccer betting is practically limitless. Be sure to browse all the World Cup props and futures available to give yourself the best odds to win. By Richard Gardner - Bodog Sportsbook Manager