Party Poker Sponsors "The Poker Show with Jesse May"

Party Poker is proud to announce that they will be sponsoring the newest season of "The Poker Show with Jesse May." The first broadcast of this one-hour show will be this week. Throughout the month of July, this TV show is available for download every Wednesday and Sunday through iTunes and the blog. To celebrate the new sponsorhip, the opening show will be featuring Kara Scott, Tony G, and Mike Sexton, who are all from What viewers and poker fans can expect from the new season After airing the first 8 scheduled TV shows, an exclusive $5+1 tourney on will be held every Thursdays and Mondays. This tourney is accessible through the specials tab. The winners of the 8 tourneys will compete in a final freeroll, which will be held on August 1st. The winner of the final freeroll will get a £5,000-seat at the WPT London Poker Classic's Main Event. This televised event will run from August 30 to September 4. The online tourneys are all protected by passwords. Gamers who wish to access these passwords should either watch the TV show or join the mailing list. Aside from the exciting prize, current and new players can have a chance to snag exclusive bonus offers. According to TV host Jesse May, he is very excited at the upcoming season of the TV show. He said that the first 3 seasons were mostly trial and error, and that in the upcoming season, they have finally cracked the winning combination for a successful TV show about poker. He also said that the TV show's main strengths were the fast-paced environment of each game and the popular names invited to play live. The second installment of the fourth season will be accessible online on July 4. Jesse May will also cover content from this year's exciting WSOP events. Upcoming shows with exclusive coverage on Vegas' WSOP events will be available at these following dates: 7th, 11th, 14th,18th, 21st and 25th of July. After these episodes, the TV show will take a short break to give Jesse May some breathing space. After the short break, the TV show will return on August 29.'s TV show As a TV show on poker, The Poker Show with Jesse May has continued to attract fans, poker aficionados, and amateurs who want plenty of action. Starting from April of 2009, the TV show has completed a total of three series. The third series ended this May, paving the way for the fourth season.